Pivi Pro OS 4.2.0b Release Notes

Published On: September 18, 2024

Pivi Pro 4.2.0b
OS Release 4.2.0b

This update includes a number of general interface and performance improvements as well as resolving the following specific issues. Thank you for your feedback.

– Maps in the Driver Display may be replaced by a blank area.
– Audio may continue to play after exiting the vehicle.
– CarPlay / Android Auto icon on the home screen opens the incorrect screen.
– The interface for suspension ride height may freeze.
– The last used radio station is incorrectly recalled on the next journey.
– Correction to the ride height dimensions in the 4x4i app ‘dimensions’ tab on applicable vehicles.
– New Speed limit Notification has moved from the Driver Assistance Menu to the Cruise and Limiter Menu The audio notification can now be permanently set on/off in the new menu and is no longer affected by the Driver Assistance Settings.

This update also brings improvements to the following features and systems:
– Touchscreen stability.
– Bluetooth stability.
– Apple CarPlay stability.

**Editor’s note – these are actually the second published release notes I received myself on my own car!